Monday, May 12, 2008

Fairhurst World Tour

It is now time for the much anticipated, never imitated, often contemplated addition to our blog. So get out your pens and paper and arm yourselves for water-cooler conversations everywhere...all twelve of you. Obviously, it has been a while since I have written. We have been very busy, but that is no excuse to leave you all in suspense for three months. Right now we are rapidly cleaning our apartment as we prepare to head to our internship this summer. Our travels began last week with a great visit to Portland to see my brother, Randy, and his family. Our time was spent with trips to the beach, tolf (golf with a tennis ball), disc golf (as you can see, we can't afford to play golf the way that it was intended), four-wheeler rides, a visit with President Hansen (my first mission president), and relaxation. It was a well-needed trip after a grueling final month of school. I definitely owed the time to Kindra and the girls, but they were very supportive as I tried to wrap things up. We leave Friday to head to Montana where we will spend a week with my parents, grandparents, and siblings and their families. I am excited for Kierra and Ariana to spend time with their cousins. From Montana we will head to Mount Rushmore and then visit historic sights from the early days of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It is a trip that I have always wanted to make. I think it will be great to see the place of so many hardships that have made it possible for me to come to know my Savior better. It is also the first time that we will take a family vacation with just our family where we are not visiting other family (did you catch that?). I am very excited and also a little nervous to see how our two little girls will handle a drive across the country. I am sure that the portable DVD player that Kevin's family gave us for Christmas will become our favorite present ever. We will end up in Greenwich, CT where I will spend 12 weeks doing an internship in corporate finance with United Rentals. I am very excited by the opportunity. I interviewed there and really enjoyed the people that I will work with (as much as you can enjoy people in an interview). The area sounds great. It is an old New England town that is a 50 minute train ride to Manhattan. We are accepting visitors on a first-come, first-serve basis. After the internship we will drive to Boise and spend a few days with my sister Leslie and her family, then it is on to Sun Valley to spend a weekend with Kindra's extended family. Then we return to Utah the day before school starts. And I thought summers were for rest and relaxation! So we are taking our show on the road, and considering the fact that we will be in about 20 states this summer, check your local listings to see if we will be in a town near you!


Dad: "What are your ears for?"
Kierra: "Ear Wax."

Dad: "What songs did you sing in nursery today?"
Kierra: "'Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star', 'Wheels on the Bus', but they forgot to sing, 'If You Could Hie to Kolob'!"

"Why are you stinky, daddy?"

"Ohhhh, Dad! I love Ariana's witch hat!" (See photos to the right.)

1 comment:

Hersch said...

Hey Fairhurst,

Are you still in New England? I head out to the east cost in a week I think it would be fun if it works to go out to dinner or something with you and your family and then end the night by playing the card game WAR with baseball cards then have X-hardcore missionaries walk in on us as we are laying there. Just a thought. I should have thought of this before but to be honest I just looked at your blog today.
Sounds like you are a great Dad.

Keep on keeping on