Ariana is starting to scare us! One of her favorite new words is 'hide'. Unfortunately, she doesn't say it until she does it. She will randomly wander off, close the door (whether the light is on or off), find a place to hide, and wait for us to find her. It would probably be helpful if we new we were supposed to be looking for her. We have found her in many dark rooms, in cupboards, in the bathroom, behind our close hamper, in the dryer, in a locked room at the church (luckily there was another door that was not locked), etc. I really hope that her next favorite word is 'seek'. Here are some photos of her hiding (Kierra thought it looked so fun, that she decided to join in):
DJ: Kierra, put your pants on please.
Kierra: Dad, no, I want to put my hands in the pockets of my panties.
DJ: Kierra, your panties don't have pockets. Put your pants on.
Kierra: No dad! You don't understand. 'Pockets of my panties' is Spanish for 'pockets of my pants'.
Ariana: Jungle, hide, sparkle, all animal noises, up, more, drink, why she sad, thank you, and cracker (which sounds very much like thank you).